Get Off the Traffic!

It happened one day that a child was fighting with someone that was defeating him already. His dad who’s a professional wrestler said, haven’t I told you to always call me when someone dares to fight with you?
He dad took up the fight and the rest is history . . .

Many us are like this child forget that someone has fought and is still capable of fighting for us.
If God be for us . . who dare be against us? Who or what?!

Why are you fighting a battle you know on your own you cannot finish let alone win? Why are you so engrossed with life issues that you make them weigh you down so badly? Why are you so cumbered with fear, discouragement, depression, anxiety, regrets, disappointments, shame, etc that you forget that someone who was able to cry the weight of THE WHOLE WORLD can carry yours anytime? (Psalm 46:1)


So you’ve started fighting yourself again this year and automatically others. Feeling bad about how you haven’t seen a green light yet, how you’ve lost your relationship again, how you’ve lost your job, how business doesn’t look good, how you feel you will not get it right again, how you haven’t gotten the job, how no business idea is coming, how, how, and how. . .
Why are you beating yourself so hard when the one who CONTROLS the world says BE STILL! And recognise, understand, believe, know, agree, trust, accept that I am God? (Psalm 46:10)


Stop fighting! Get off the traffic! Why do you enjoy being in traffic? Yes there is a delay or traffic or denial or disappointment, it’s obvious, yes. . .
But why decide to stay put in there?
Get off the traffic! Greater is He that is in you than he that is in the “traffic”.
Yes acknowledge the presence of issues but don’t regard them. . . it’s a fact that they are there but the truth is Jesus is ALWAYS with you as well, ALWAYS.

Don’t let these things get at you this year again, no no no, Stop Fighting! Be Still.
Let the One who controls everything and person and circumstance and issue step in. Step Off, Step aside, Get Off, Step Out!

The Lord All-Powerful is with you!
Be Still! Lay it all down, be still.
You will see and hear better and clearly when you’re still.
Let not your heart be clouded by all these unreal facts . . .
Hold on to The Truth, The Way, and The Life.
When some ways are proving stubborn, simply introduce them to The Way! When lies begin to flood your heart again, tell them about The Truth. When the fight is draining you, beckon on The Life!

It’s your year to breakforth and Shine but Stop Fighting. . .
Ain’t you tired of fighting?

4 thoughts on “Get Off the Traffic!

  1. Thank you so much for this message. I have been guilty of staying in “the traffic” for a long time. So many questions about uncertainties and like but i know that my Redeemer lives. Thank you for encouraging me to remember who my father is …an All knowing and mighty God

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Amen-Amein Sister in Christ Jesus ( Yeshua )!! God Bless All my Sisters and Brothers in Christ Jesus ( Yeshua ) and Your Families and Friends!!

    Praise Jesus ( Yeshua ) Christ for Today and Everyday!!

    Love Always and Shalom, YSIC \o/

    Kristi Ann

    Liked by 2 people

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