A Harmless Date.


Surprise!!!! He is here again!
If I were you I’d let Him in.
He’s never tired of knocking . . . so mindful of you, right?
A trial will convince you (this is not a marketing strategy). It’s the Truth!
There are many testimonies and I’m not an exception.  . .

He just wants a harmless date with you and that’s all, nothing more. Well, you will want more I can bet that #smile.

Are you not tired of trying to fix everything alone? How many have you successfully fixed?
Why don’t you go out with The Fixer?

You feel unworthy? Oh. . .no one is worthy but He loves that part because He can then make you worthy.
If everyone was worthy no one will need a Saviour. Meet the Maker and Re-definer.

You feel dirty and filthy? That’s ok, He moves around with just any kind of person. His relational and people-person skill is exceptional.
Meet the Cleaner and Lover. . .
Broke? Don’t worry He’ll foot the bills.
Meet the Provider. . .
Too weak to even go out? He’ll drive.
Meet the Macho Man–All Powerful.

You’ve tried so many dates but they’ve turned out maybe not harmful but uninteresting and annoying. You seem to be back at the same spot.
Give Him a chance.  . . He’s head-over-heels about you.
He’s been knocking.

Open Up!

The Specialist. . .

It’s been a while since I came here my dear friends. I did not want to rush it this year but something I must share came up today.

If you remember I wrote on  Dyslexia sometimes ago. A girl I know inspired that write up.
The girl was like a major worry for everyone; people have tried and given up. Imagine a 5 year old girl in a class of 3 year olds unable to talk or write well. . .
I tried as well, I was enthusiastic at first but later I started getting weary when nothing was forthcoming. Sometimes, I’ll just let her write when it was convenient for me.

I had fasted and prayed for her, I have tried all I knew but no improvement. . . I got frustrated at some point that I suggested that the girl be referred to a specialist.
Alas, the Specialist showed up today!
I decided to hold her hand to write today and then I noticed she wanted to write herself. I almost hesitated saying to myself that she just want to scribble. But then I gave her a chance, I said circle . . and stroke (alphabet a) and there you go! She wrote herself! I couldn’t hold it up I was moved to tears at what God alone did.

So tell me what’s that situation that has lingered for so long that you’re now beginning to get tired of or that you’re at the verge of giving up? Please don’t even think about it. It may be delayed but it cannot be cut short. The Specialist is still available, the One who changes situation when and however He pleases without notice; the One who can diagnose our conditions more than we can. The One who sees and knows all things. The Owner of time and chance. Our Help in ages past, Our Ever present Help. He still does work.

He spoke to me about this passage yesterday, “Jesus said to her, Did I not tell you and promise you that if you would believe and rely on Me, you will see the glory of God? John 11:40 AMP”

imageI didn’t understand it until today wow! You’ve just got to believe and trust Him to do whatever He has promised.
It’s getting frustrating you may say, my dear, press a little further, take another step, do it again, apply again. . .Keep on going like the clock, please don’t give in or up.

imageIt’s another month so keep holding on, keeping praising, keeping trusting. . . it will not tarry, it will come.

Happy New Month!

The Word for You this Year

I would love to first of all congratulate you for the New Year. It was God who orchestrated it and this is His Word for you this New Year. He is at every second, minute, hour, day, and month going to do something new in your life this year. Just Trust Him.


He honours His Word more than His name so you’ve got nothing to worry about.
He will help your faith to be mountain moving so that unusual breakthroughs that will look new to people will occur in your life.

Only Trust Him. . .

It’s a New Year with New Things in it, about to unfold.

Happy New Year people!

Just in time. . . .

Oh! You’ve been made to start from the scratch. . . .what a humble beginning, God will take you to greater heights!
Those were the words from my friend when I discussed an issue with him.
I was encouraged by his prayers, nonetheless, i was not satisfied.
Back at home I began to reminisce and soliloquise . . . I was like God what are you trying to do or teach me? I was almost crying when this scripture dropped in my spirit
Jeremiah 29:11


Not long after that, another came to mind and I became elated. I said, He’s just on time! He keeps to time, He knows the times, in fact, He owns the time! He’s such a loving friend. Our refuge . . .a very present help . . . Psalm 46:1


Where are you now?
Do you feel you are not where you ought to be?
Did you set goals at the beginning of the year and you’ve not accomplished any despite your hard work?
What are the things making you feel so downcast?
Why not lend a leaf from David the Psalmist? . . .but David encouraged himself in the Lord . .  . 1Samuel 30:6.
He knew God’s love and plan for him. He loved, held on, and trusted Him. . .

Why not trust the One who in His compassion deemed it fit to take you to where you are currently and can also decide to take you beyond here and now?

Lean on Him.
God be with you!
Merry Xmas in advance!

A Roof Over Your Head

I love rain so very much (don’t crucify me please #smiles), however this morning as I was about complaining about the heat that was generated by the rain, this dropped in my mind and I shushed immediately!

A roof over your head . . .

You slept in your room, on your bed without sharing, you could roll about and change positions without any rain drop falling on you, really? You should be more thankful. When rain falls, the birds of the air cannot entirely hide from it. In fact, I saw one the other day and I was so moved I said God please stop the rain . . . it was very cold, it curdled itself.


You can imagine that bird surviving on one dry branch . . . poor bird. And you dare complain of a leaky roof or a bad/flooded road?
Oh please, mend your roof and clean your surroundings so it doesn’t harbour dirt and water. Cleanliness is next to godliness . . .
Many would just appreciate sleeping under a leaky roof than the rain falling directly on them.

Some of us worry about a lot of things, we say stuffs like “if only” when the day itself has its own worries. If God can protect the birds of the air from falling ill after every rainfall, sunshine, snow, hurricane, hailstone, name it! Why won’t He take care of your every need? Cast your ALL to Him.
We must begin to see the little things God has and is still doing for us and be grateful.

You have a


Then say


God bless you.

Rock of Gibraltar


Hi everyone,
I couldn’t wait to get back to you all.
These past 5 days has been incredible; I lost my phone. Initially, i was okay with the fact that my phone was missing  i thought someone will be generous to return it but after two days of expectation, I gave up.

I was worried about people contacting me plus I was to be interviewed via phone call. I was like Oh God! What is all this?
Truth is, I trusted God, I decided to enjoy the very small phone my mum “borrowed” me #wink
You know it wasn’t easy for me as a lot has been going on with me lately but those words “Trust me” kept me going.

Guess what? I managed to get my interview done and expected a response. God did it! I was given a “massive phone” like i call it and i excelled on the same day! I was overwhelmed that I said dear Lord you are magnificent!
God is indeed reliable and dependable. He is a huge rock that one can sleep on with both eyes closed.
Just like we trust the pilot to fly us to our destination, we fasten our belts without asking if the plane is OK, we must learn to trust God recklessly.

Trust our Rock of Gibraltar today, He stands sure, He has never failed before, and He never will!

God be with you.

Don’t be weighed down (No Excuse Part 2)

After having a real and rigorous discussion with my friends about one of our friends, I sat to think it through. Our friend has has been acting all weird and unstable recently and all I kept saying was “She’s got no excuse” (didn’t mean to sound mean, just said that based on what I know about her).

Everyone has got their ups and very down times, you’ll only get to know if you’re told. The only difference between a christian and a non-christian is how they handle their down moments. Many people carry this “I’m good, Praise God” face but back in their closet they’re weeping and asking God for help.
An example is Joseph (how I love him). Another one is Paul, if he didn’t write it in one of his books we wouldn’t know that the Almighty, eloquent, enthusiastic, and super-evangelist had a thorn in his flesh! What made them exceptional is how they handled their situations. Joseph still kept on doing good as he knew how to do (Genesis 40); Paul didn’t stop caring for his friends or the church because of his situation. They didn’t transfer aggression, or allow it to weigh them down but they kept on with their faith and trust in God.

Yes everyone cannot be on the same level per time in this race. That’s why the strong people are admonished to help the weak. . Romans 15:1.


What if the weak refuses to be helped someone may ask? Pray for them and keep doing your best. Don’t leave them to it.  .  . Jesus did not give up on you.
Show them love, encourage, and build them up Romans15:2-7.

To those who feel weak, you’re strong! Don’t be discouraged or weighed down by your situation. Truth is, you’re the not the first person to pass through that road neither will you be the last (that’s how I encourage myself). So try to encourage yourself in the Lord like David did. Seek good friends and godly counsel, read inspiring books, read the Word, praise, have fun as much as you can, and avoid being on your own all the time.

Each and every one of us will give account of our actions and reactions Romans 14:12; you cannot say it was because of this that I did that. 


Hope deferred can make the heart sick, yes, but please hold on. Trust in the Lord . . . With all of your heart Proverbs 3: 5-6.

Don’t be weighed down. . . No more excuses.
Just trust . . . Help is on the way . . . This too shall pass.

You’re loved!

Macho Man


I was troubled in my spirit this morning in fact since yesterday night like never before. I had different thoughts about a task I had ahead of me. I tried confessing that God will sort me out and even if He chooses not to this time, I’ll still trust Him. I was proud to be able to say that, I felt my faith has increased.
Alas! another thought came like, are you giving God an ultimatum? Who are you to give God a deadline? But I was like He said I should decree a thing and it shall be established. I became ok but something popped up again. Are you doubting His ability? I answered No. Why then the use of if? I was encouraged to switch to praise which I tried and went to bed.
However, this morning,these thoughts started again. I started telling God how weak and unprepared I was about the task ahead of me and guess what? He gave me this passage Romans 8:26! Isn’t God amazing?

The HolySpirit, His sweet gift to us, capable of strengthening, and filled with all the right words and attitudes. He reminded me of the “Macho Man” I have in my life and I felt at rest. God preinformed of our weaknesses, sent His Spirit to take our weakness and replace it with His strength. I’m so in awe of Him. With His Spirit All things will and are working together for our good Romans 8:28 . . . Awesome!

What are you battling with today?
The Macho Man is around to strengthen and work everything for your good. The peace of God is what He possesses. He exchanges our worries with worthy thoughts, our pain with health, sadness for joy, ashes for beauty, shame for glory, and burden with rest.
Make a call today and He’ll be right there!

God bless you real good.

Faith or Guess?

Seat partner:  Oh there isn’t traffic at all by this time wow! I’m surprised and impressed.
Me:  It’s an answer to my prayer, I said.
Seat partner:  I hope it continues this way till we get to our homes.
Me: Amen.

After some miles . . .

Seat partner:  It’s like the answer to your prayer did not affect this place.
Me:  Ehrrrm. . . I’m sure God is working on it.
Seat partner: Wow! I love that . . . your faith.

After some more miles.  . .

Me:  He sorted it out.
Seat partner: That’s why I didn’t say anything #smiles
N.B: The seat partner is a non-believer.

The above conversation occurred while I was in transit some days ago heading home.
After I became on my own in another bus, I thought there was traffic due to the slow movement of the bus so, for some seconds I said “God please don’t allow this traffic”. Then I remembered that I told someone earlier that God will work on it till we got home. Suddenly, I became challenged in my spirit, was it really faith then or you guessed?

Many at times we do guess-work rather than exercise faith. Our God is very interesting that He sometimes allow us have our way so that we think our “faith” really worked. Instead of solely depending on God without an iota of doubt in us, we guess and expect things to happen.

This is just a reminder that we must truly remain faithful to and dependent on God . . . hope unswervingly (1 Corinthians 13: 13 MSG).

Remember the story of the man who told Jesus, I believe Lord, help my unbelief? He must have heard about Jesus’s ability to heal people and that he could heal his son as well but wasn’t too sure. That’s the way some of us including myself behave. We’ve heard stories of people getting blessed or healed by God even people close to us. We might even be strong enough to believe God on behalf of others. However when it comes to our own challenges, we find it difficult to believe and begin to guess. . .Will He do it?  God might or If God decides to well. . . If God chooses to have mercy on me well. . .
Hmm, I’m not displacing God’s will but I’m emphasising continuous and firm faith in Him. Some of us have the gift of encouragement for others but it goes into recess when we need it ourselves.
Let faith arise in you today; whatever He says He will do He will definitely do it. It might seem  delayed or like He hasn’t answered your numerous previously asked requests.
Believe me, He is working on it!
Be deliberate about your faith in Him, it could help someone’s faith as well.
Ask for Grace when you feel weak.
We cannot win life’s challenges without God by our side.

Why not totally trust in/depend on Him today and see what He will do?